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Privacy Policy

ZEALS 社問い合わせにおける個人情報の取扱いについて

第1条 (総則)

第2条 (当社が取得することがあるお客様の情報)
(1) 氏名
(2) 住所
(3) 年齢、生年月日
(4) 性別
(5) 電話番号、メールアドレスその他の連絡先情報
(6) アカウントへのアクセス者とお客様のご本人確認に必要なID、パスワード等
(7) サービスの利用履歴、アクティビティに関する情報
(8) サービスを通じた製品の購入履歴、決済情報
(9) 職歴、資格、雇用形態、給与等に関する情報
(10) お問い合わせ時の会話内容、ビデオ通話時のカメラ映像
(11) 端末情報、ログ情報、ブラウザの種類、IPアドレス、Cookieその他端末識別子
(12) 位置情報等のお客様の利用方法に関する情報
(13) 外部サービスでユーザーが利用するID、その他外部サービスのプライバシー設定によりユーザーが連携先に開示を認めた情報
(14) その他、個別規約等が定めることがある情報

第3条 (個人情報等の取得方法)
(1) 端末操作を通じてお客様にご入力いただく場合
(2) お客様から直接又は書面等の媒体を通じてご提供いただく場合
(3) お客様によるサービス、商品、広告、コンテンツの利用・閲覧に伴って自動的に送信される場合
(4) その他お客様等の同意を得た第三者から提供を受ける場合など、適法に取得する場合

第4条 (個人情報等の利用目的)
(1) お客様のご本人確認等を行う目的
(2) お客様からご相談・お問い合わせいただいた商品・サービスに関連した当社又は第三者の商品又はサービスを紹介・提供する目的(諸分析の結果と合わせて利用することにより興味や関心を推測し、配信する広告を選定する目的を含みます。)
(3) お客様からご相談・お問い合わせいただいた商品・サービスに関連した広告の配信及びその広告効果の計測を行う目的
(4) 当社又は第三者の商品又はサービスの企画・開発、改善等の参考にする目的
(5) お客様のトラフィック測定及び行動測定を行う目的
(6) サービスの利用状況等を記録、集計、分析等する目的
(7) サービスに関する規約変更など重要な通知を行う目的
(8) お客様との契約に関する業務を履行する目的
(9) お問い合わせやご意見、ご要望にお応えする目的
(10) 当社の採用活動において取得した個人情報等について採用に関する選考、決定、入社手続等及びこれらに伴う応募者の管理、事務連絡等を行う目的
(11) その他、個別規約等が定めることがある利用目的

第5条 (個人情報の第三者提供)
1  当社は、次に掲げる場合を除いて、あらかじめお客様の同意を得ることなく、第三者に個人情報を提供することはありません。ただし、個人情報保護法その他の法令で認められる場合を除きます。
(1) 人の生命、身体又は財産の保護のために必要がある場合であって、お客様の同意を得ることが困難であるとき
(2) 公衆衛生の向上又は児童の健全な育成の推進のために特に必要がある場合であって、お客様の同意を得ることが困難であるとき
(3) 国の機関もしくは地方公共団体又はその委託を受けた者が法令の定める事務を遂行することに対して協力する必要がある場合であって、お客様の同意を得ることにより当該事務の遂行に支障を及ぼすおそれがあるとき
2  前項の定めにかかわらず、次に掲げる場合には、当該情報の提供先は第三者に該当しないものとします。
(1) 当社が利用目的の達成に必要な範囲内において個人情報の取扱いの全部又は一部を委託する場合
(2) 合併その他の事由による事業の承継に伴って個人情報が提供される場合
(3) 個人情報を特定の者との間で共同して利用する場合であって、その旨、共同して利用される個人情報の項目、共同して利用する者の範囲、利用する者の利用目的及び当該個人情報の管理について責任を有する者の氏名又は名称について、あらかじめお客様に通知し、又はお客様が容易に知り得る状態に置いた場合

第6条 (個人情報等の共同利用)

第7条 (安全管理措置)

第8条 (個人情報の開示等の請求・苦情のお申し出先及び手続)
個人情報の開示、利用目的の通知、訂正、追加、削除、利用停止、消去又は第三者への提供の停止(以下あわせて「個人情報の開示等」といいます。)をご希望の場合には、「第11条 お問い合わせ先」に記載のお問い合わせ窓口へご連絡ください。

第9条 (個人情報の利用目的の通知又は開示に関する手数料)

第10条 (プライバシーポリシーの変更)

第11条 (お問い合わせ先)

株式会社 ZEALS 個人情報お問い合わせ窓口
東京都目黒区下目黒 1-8-1 アルコタワー6F
(受付時間 10:00~19:00 ※土・日曜日、祝日を除く。)

第12条 (準拠法等)

株式会社ZEALS 代表取締役 清水 正大

【English version】

Article 1 (General rules)
ZEALS Co., Ltd. (hereinafter “ZEALS”) complies with laws concerning the protection of personal information, as well as other related laws and regulations, guidelines, etc., and handles the personal information of each individual concerned (hereinafter “customer”) based on the Privacy Policy set forth below (hereinafter “this Policy”).
Furthermore, if separate terms of service or privacy policy (hereinafter “individual agreement, etc.”) has been established concerning the handling of personal information in connection with services provided by ZEALS, said individual agreement, etc. will constitute a part of this Policy. In addition, the provisions in said individual agreement, etc. will apply to matters not set forth in this Policy.
ZEALS may present this Policy in languages other than Japanese; however, versions presented in languages other than Japanese are for reference only. If there are differences between the Japanese version and a non-Japanese version, the Japanese version will take precedence.

Article 2 (Customer information that may be acquired by ZEALS)
ZEALS may acquire the following information (collectively called “personal information, etc.”) from customers:
(1) Name
(2) Address
(3) Age, date of birth
(4) Sex
(5) Phone number, email address, and other contact information
(6) ID, password, etc., necessary for verifying the identity between the person accesses to the account and the customer
(7) Service usage history, activity-related information
(8) History of product purchases via the service, payment information
(9) Work history, qualifications, employment status, and salary-related information
(10) Content of inquiry-related conversations, video call recordings
(11) Device information, log information, browser type, IP address, cookies and other device identifiers
(12) Location information and other customer utilization information
(13) ID that the user uses with an external service, and other information whose disclosure to external linked services has been approved by the user via the external service’s privacy settings
(14) Other information that may be prescribed in an individual agreement, etc.

Article 3 (How personal information, etc. is acquired)
ZEALS acquires a customer’s personal information, etc. through the following means:
(1) The customer enters information when operating a device.
(2) The customer provides information directly or through a medium such as writing.
(3) The customer sends information automatically when using or browsing services, products, advertisements, or content.
(4) The information is legally acquired in other ways, such as being received from a third party who has the consent of the customer.

Article 4 (Purpose of using personal information, etc.)
ZEALS will use personal information, etc. within the scope necessary to achieve the following purposes (hereinafter “the purpose of use”):
(1) To verify the customer’s identify
(2) To introduce or provide a product or service of ZEALS or a third party in connection with a product or service that the customer has consulted or inquired about (including estimating the customer’s interests and selecting advertisements to send by using the information together with the results of various analyses)
(3) To send advertisements related to a product or service that the customer has consulted or inquired about, and measure the effect of the advertisements
(4) To use for reference when planning, developing, and improving the products or services of ZEALS or a third party
(5) To measure customer traffic and behavior
(6) To record, calculate, and analyze service usage
(7) To provide important notifications, such as changes regarding the terms of service
(8) To perform the duties specified in the contract with the customer
(9) To respond to customer inquiries, comments, and requests
(10) To use personal information, etc. acquired in ZEALS recruitment activities for the purpose of employment-related screening, decision, and company entry procedures, as well as associated applicant management, business correspondence, and such activities
(11) To use for other purposes that may be prescribed in an individual agreement, etc.

Article 5 (Providing personal information to third parties)
1 Unless agreed to in advance by the customer, and unless acceptable according to the Act on the Protection of Personal Information and other laws and regulations, ZEALS will not provide personal information to third parties, except in the following cases:
(1) When necessary to protect someone from death, physical harm, or property damage, and obtaining the customer’s consent is difficult
(2) When particularly necessary to improve public health or promote the sound development of children, and obtaining the customer’s consent is difficult
(3) When a government agency, local government, or party entrusted by such authority requires cooperation in order to perform work that is prescribed by law or regulation, and obtaining the customer’s consent may obstruct the performance of said work
2 Irrespective of the provisions in the preceding paragraph, the recipient of said information will not be regarded as a third party in the following cases:
(1) When ZEALS entrusts all or part of the handling of personal information within limits necessary to achieve the purpose of use
(2) When personal information is provided in connection with the succession of business, such as a merger or other circumstance
(3) When personal information is to be used jointly with a specified party or parties, and the fact of said joint use, items of personal information to be jointly used, scope of joint users, user’s purpose of use, and name or title of the person responsible for managing said personal information have been reported to the customer in advance or are in a condition that is readily accessible to the customer

Article 6 (Joint use of personal information, etc.)
Personal information, etc. may be jointly used in connection with some services offered by ZEALS. In such cases, ZEALS will publicly state the items that are necessary in the individual agreement, etc. for the applicable service.

Article 7 (Security measures)
ZEALS devises and implements necessary and appropriate measures to prevent leakage, loss, and damage of personal data being handled and to safely manage other personal data. ZEALS also reexamines and improves its measures as needed. Furthermore, if leakage, loss, or damage does occur, ZEALS will immediately take action and strive to prevent recurrence.

Article 8 (Inquiries and procedures regarding requests and complaints for personal information disclosure or related action)
If you desire disclosure of personal information, notification of the purpose of use, revision, addition, removal, suspension of use, erasure, or suspension of provision to third parties (hereinafter collectively referred to as “personal information disclosure or related action”), please contact the Inquiry Desk specified in Article 11, “Inquiries and information.”

Article 9 (Fee for disclosure of personal information or notification of purpose of use)
The fee for disclosure of personal information or notification of its purpose of use will be 1,000 yen per request (tax not included).

Article 10 (Privacy Policy changes)
ZEALS may make changes to this Policy. If a change is made to this Policy, ZEALS will provide notification through the website it operates and manages, or through another method determined separately by ZEALS. After this Policy has changed, the customer’s use of ZEALS services will considered the customer’s confirmation and consent to this Policy’s changes.

Article 11 (Inquiries and information)
Comments, questions, personal information disclosure or related action, and other inquiries regarding handling of personal information should be directed to the Inquiry Desk below.

ZEALS Personal Information Inquiry Desk
ARCO TOWER 6F, 1-8-1 Shimomeguro, Meguro-ku, Tokyo
Email: info@zeals.co.jp
Phone: +81(0)3-5719-2133
(Business hours: 10:00 to 19:00 *Closed on Saturday, Sunday, and holidays)

Article 12 (Governing law, etc.)
The governing law for this Policy’s application and interpretation will be Japanese law. All disputes arising from or related to this Policy or a service provided by ZEALS will be settled by the Tokyo District Court, which will serve as the exclusive court of jurisdiction in the first instance.

ZEALS Co., Ltd. CEO Masahiro Shimizu
Revised on April 1, 2021
Revised on November 5, 2020
Revised on December 7, 2018
Established on June 14, 2018