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About The Author: Byron Brauner https://twitter.com/nectarsis
Bio: Huge horror movie fan, PC-ENGINE/TG-16 aficionado, drive-in and summer camp addict, Milwaukee Brewers and Bucks fanatic, Gundam 4 LYFE, MST3K nerd
Countries USA
Release year 2019.
Absolutely awesome. Great Tribute to a Fine Film. Any plans for a 0083 Video.
Gundam 40th anniversary celebration 3a char's counterattack lyrics.
Gundam 40th anniversary celebration char's counterattack canada.
The beginning sounded like it was going to play Never Give you up.
You know, I never did think that the Gundam would actually use the scope module on top of the beam rifle let alone need it. Theres always a parascope thing inside the cockpit that does that lets you zoom in for long range shooting and recon which comes standard for just about any MS. Theres not even a hole in the back for the Gundams eye to look through not that it should need to since it should have really good optical sensors that can see objects from afar. Also doesnt this version seem to imply that Amuro was always meant to be the pilot of the Gundam from the very beginning? In the original, he stumbles onto it and finds it under a tarp. Here, it literally appears before him and calls his name in a sweet, motherly voice. Wouldve been funny if it was Haro in the cockpit with a recorded voice message instead of it being empty.
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Eat this ! Char kick.
Love the old-school animation style! Here's hoping that there is more to come...
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Gundam 40th Anniversary Full Episodes Watch Online G,undam 40th An&niv*ersar"y &Celebra,tion. FULL EPISODE.
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WTF My Gundam.
Gp 02 from stardust memory.
Gundam 40th anniversary celebration char's counterattack.
Mobile suit gundam char& 39;s counterattack.
見に行ったけど. フェネクス強すぎ.
1:45 の所ナラティブのユニコーンのシーンみたい.
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I expected the time line would be much more future from Unicorn age, but it seems like time didn't pass from UC This is quite surprising.
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Knowing Japan, this cars going to sell very well.
Does anyone know the title of the piece of music that plays at 1:45 and also when Amuro engages Char earlier in the film? I've been trying to find it l, but it's not on the soundtrack anywhere that I could find.
The fact Lunasea is still going makes me so happy.
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The voice actor sounded unmotivated. Meh, that concluded everything already.
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Gundam 40th anniversary celebration 3a char's counterattack karaoke
I'm happy to see that my favorite franchise has been soaring in popularity in the United States again. ❤.
Gundam 40th anniversary celebration 3a char's counterattack reaction.
This movie was such a disappointment. All of Char's character development ruined in this 2 hour rush fest. The animation was good, but everything else about this movie was bad. Quess and Hathaway being Katz 2.0, Astonage dying suddenly and the useless new characters, the fact that Sayla and Kamille aren't even in it, to the weird ending. This movie was too hyped up by the Gundam fans. The best rendition of Char was in Zeta. This movie ruined it.
Bring back build fighters 😩🙏.
Together with Gundam, Zaku never ends MOBILE SUIT ZAKU 40th Anniversary.
Gundam 40th Anniversary Celebration: Chars counterattack.
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Awesome intro. keep up the good work.
Gundam 40th anniversary celebration char& 39;s counterattack.
February 4, 2019 Movie Download / Uncategorized
Posted by Natsu Dragneel
Mobile Suit Gundam Char’s Counterattack
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WatchMojo never missing an opportunity to be completely wrong
Huge fan of Archangel, yay.
DVD needs to come out soon.
Gundam 40th anniversary celebration 3a char's counterattack new.
This time he will say Even My Mum Has Never Hit Me.
Gundam 40th anniversary celebration char& 39;s counterattack poster.