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About The Author: The Spool https://twitter.com/thespool
Info: Unraveling pop culture one thread at a time. Editor @clintworthing. Pitch: Patreon: Podcasts: @moacrpod @halloffacespod
Beniamino Barrese.
release Date: 2019.
Director: Beniamino Barrese.
Duration: 1 Hour 34 minute.
audience Score: 133 Votes.
I dont have little sister, but I do have a half sister, so I can understand, even though she's like a decade older.
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Regia: Beniamino Barrese.
Anno: 2019
Durante il casting per un film a lei dedicato, alcune modelle cercano di entrare nel personaggio della top model Benedetta Barzini, la prima modella italiana a comparire nel 1963 su "Vogue" America per volere della leggendaria fashion editor Diana Vreeland (immortalata nel documentario di Lisa Ammordino). Ma quest'inizio in chiave fiction, con luce artefatta da photoshooting è un depistaggio: qualcosa che, per contrasto, faccia risaltare la reale natura di Barzini, imponendosi con forza su quella bidimensionale, amplificata dalle passerelle, dalle cover di riviste come "Harper's Bazaar" agli altri media.
Anyone in this day who calls anyone else a “Nazi” should have to watch this video and other survivor stories. This woman is a hero and praise God she is here to tell us her story so history is not repeated. God bless her! Thank you for sharing your story and pain. God is with you! 🇺🇸❤️🇮🇱.
Saw this in Tallinn last year it is very well made but not easy to watch. Not surprising given the subject matter. The traumatised survivors of the siege of Leningrad care for disabled soldiers in a Red Army hospital. Nonetheless worth seeing.
Looks fantastic.
3:59 the hi thing made me laugh so hard.
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One question : Why? If the father killed his own wife, why did he murdered her? To satisfy his cannibal desire.
I'm hoping Laura Dern turns into Renata and just goes off on somebody.
Im starting to think in your voice now lol.
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Carey Mulligan is radiating Amy Dunne vibes in here.
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This is so funny! A must watch! 🤣🤣😘😘
Movie rating: 7, 5
Cast: Beniamino Barrese, Benedetta Barzini, Candice Lam, Olivia Ross
Country: Italy
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La supermodella icona degli anni Sessanta Benedetta Barzini, oramai settantatreenne, pianifica la sua scomparsa ma deve fare i conti con il tentativo di suo figlio di realizzare un film su di lei.
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Uscito nelle sale italiane il 7 ottobre 2019
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I nuovi film al cinema nella settimana dal 7 al 13 ottobre 2019
Si va a memoria, ma 18 film presentati in una settimana sono il numero massimo che ci sia dato ricordare. Vero è che molti di questi sono documentari e che diversi sono stati presentati nei primi giorni della…
leggi tutto.
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Ti abbraccio.
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Questa sezione sull'argomento film è ancora vuota. Aiutaci a scriverla!
Ang aga ng pangsasabaw ng Yellow Depts! Sobrang aga they are afraid that Marcos might come again to power. Heheah.
Eto yun warning ni rizal, Why independence, if the slaves of today will be the tyrants of tomorrow.
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Goodday creeps.
I watched doubles vies yesterday. Why is every french movie like that lol.
Creepy but great story and narration! 😉👌💜.
I spit on your grave 8.
Appreciate your no-nonsense objectivity in discussing Gannon. But you are hilarious talking about those wedding pics. I'm going to watch it again.
Amazing transformation. I would have loved to see the expression she gave seeing it after you were done.
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