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Columnist: Jody Deckard https://twitter.com/JodyDeckard
Biography: Married for 25 years, mother of twins, Exec. Secretary for Aisin U.S.A Mfg., Inc. for 13 years, substitute teacher, and now workforce coordinator for Jack. Co.

Countries: USA

115 Min


Abstract: A Christian documentary diving into the sex trafficking industry in the US exposing the darkness that fuels demand, highlighting survivors' transformations through Christ, and showing Christ as the hope for all involved

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Amazing ❤️❤️❤️🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽.
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It's almost been 3 years and i'm still here supporting queen, this is such a bop.
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First brian banks then richard jewell and now this movie, 2019 has a lot of movies about wrongfully convicted men.
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Awwww I feel so bad for everyone who can't see 😭😭💔 it really breaks my heart.
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This is one of the most educational 6 minutes on economics most of these kids will ever hear. I don't know if it's from Disney movies or what, but for some reason young westerners have this idea that third world village farm life is preferable to higher paid factory work. The reality of what they'd be going back to in absence of western-style capitalism is only ignorable if you've never seen it or given it serious thought.

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I can't go see this movie, i'ma be crying through the whole thing.
This is the one movie where Archie fans can imagine being with Betty since the actress playing Apa's lover has a betty cooper vibe.
Are there eyes under those eyelids LOL I'M DYING HAHAHA, what is this question even haha.
I saw this months ago while ushering for a film festival, it's so good, and I mean really good. I was fixated on the screen. And balling by the end. Such a haunting film in a good way. Like. the beauty.
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I can't believe this was 2 years ago.
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A Quiet place: Do not speak Bird Box: Do not look Hush: Do not hear Creeper: Awww Man.

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People don't want to believe this is happening but it is. It has to be exposed for it to be stopped.

In Theaters
Jan 23
The Truth About Sex Trafficking in America
Blind Eyes Opened is a first-of-a-kind Christian documentary that dives deep into the sex trafficking industry in the U. S. The film exposes the darkness that fuels demand, highlights survivors' transformations through Christ, engages lawmakers, law enforcement, organizations, ministries and experts across the country committed to ending the atrocities, all while showing Christ as the hope for all involved.
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I feel like it takes muscle to keep my eyes closed.
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It's OK, it's just a movie. Time for another Personal Day off. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.
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Dont question just watch the damn movie.
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Incredible what these men went through. I can only imagine the fear in all of them. Sometimes I try to put myself in the shoes of a WW1/WW2 soldier. I ask myself if I could do it. Whether it's running across no mans land or storming the beaches of Normandy. The upmost respect.
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In high stress conditions, some people check to see if I have a pulse or they think I have liquid nitrogen for blood. Most can't understand how I could be so stone cold calm in extreme conditions, even though I am 100% aware of the severity of the situations. Not much has an effect on me. Christopher's performance chokes me up every time.

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0:01 is in Matera, Italy 🔥.
James Bond: History isn't kind to men that play God. Boris Johnson: Would you like a cup of tea.
What if the monster looked in a mirror.
Honestly one of the most amazing films I have ever seen. I must of been on the verge on tears through the whole thing.

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