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Columnist: J Moreno P https://twitter.com/Pp_CineTV
Biography Guionista y escritor de cine y televisión, Maestro en Educación y Docencia, Comunicólogo, Catedrático universitario #UIA #IBERO #UNAM
genre - Drama.
review - The Roads Not Taken is a movie starring Javier Bardem, Elle Fanning, and Salma Hayek. Sally Potter's film follows a day in the life of Leo (Javier Bardem) and his daughter, Molly (Elle Fanning), as he floats through alternate lives.
Directed by - Sally Potter.
Watch Full The Roads Not taken 3.
Watch Full The road not taken.
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Nice video.
Though as for that the passing there Had worn them really about the same, Yeah, I can see Robert Frost impatiently tapping his feet, thinking, it really makes no difference! Just PICK one! The lenses through which the narrator sees his path is interesting; both nostalgically arguing that the choice made was the right one, and that the choice has made all the difference, as in made him who he is today. I'm probably wildly wrong, but it's just how I can see it.
DW Foster wroteacceptance is it's own verve. maybe it's a coming to terms with it's the attempt to be at peace with himself...
Watch full the roads not taken full.
Watch Full The Roads Not taken on 2010.
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Watch Full The Roads Not taken on 2008.
Watch Full The Roads Not taken 2.
Thank youu.
He read his own poem! It's my favorite poem which encouraged me a lot.
The Road Not Taken Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveler, long I stood And looked down one as far as I could To where it bent in the undergrowth. Then took the other, as just as fair, And having perhaps the better claim, Because it was grassy and wanted wear; Though as for that the passing there Had worn them really about the same. And both that morning equally lay In leaves no step had trodden black. Oh, I kept the first for another day! Yet knowing how way leads on to way, I doubted if I should ever come back. I shall be telling this with a sigh Somewhere ages and ages hence: Two roads diverged in a wood, and I— I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference. Robert Lee Frost (1874 – 1963) Читает Alan Bates Другая дорога В осеннем лесу, на развилке дорог, Стоял я, задумавшись, у поворота; Пути было два, и мир был широк, Однако я раздвоиться не мог, И надо было решаться на что-то. Я выбрал дорогу, что вправо вела И, повернув, пропадала в чащобе. Нехоженой, что ли, она была И больше, казалось мне, заросла; А впрочем, заросшими были обе. И обе манили, радуя глаз Сухой желтизною листвы сыпучей. Другую оставил я про запас, Хотя и догадывался в тот час, Что вряд ли вернуться выпадет случай. Еще я вспомню когда-нибудь Далекое это утро лесное: Ведь был и другой предо мною путь, Но я решил направо свернуть – И это решило все остальное. перевод Григория Кружкова Если Вам понравилось — поделитесь с друзьями:.
Watch Full The Roads not taken.
Watch Full The Roads Not taken on 2009.
Mr. Nobody immediately comes to mind
I remember highschool, holding my hand up and then telling the teach this. He told me I was wrong and the whole class laughed at me. I've hated him ever since.
Watch full the roads not taken trailer
Is this a Botox commercial.
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Watch Full The Roads Not taken.
Love listening to more recitations
Watch full the roads not taken movie.
Much better than the pixelated game thats coming out 🤣.
A full day of taking the “Roads Not Taken”
On Monday we said goodbye to Cathy and Phil from Kamloops; washed the guest room sheets and welcomed in our next visitor – my dear friend Marilyn from Sarnia. We have more company this summer than Best Western. Having had non stop guests has necessitated some planning on our part. We have developed a bit of a routine. For guests staying more than two days we like to take them on a little road trip and show them the highlights of Prince Edward County. There are many stops on our tour that just can’t be missed:
a visit to the world’s largest bay mouth sand dunes (Sandbanks) and West Lake beach
a drive through the quaint villages of Cherry Valley and Milford while enjoying the beautiful farm land dotted with heritage homes
a visit to one of the countless art galleries – preferably one with interesting architecture (ie Mad Dog Gallery)
pick up some fresh cheese and have an ice cream cone at the Black River Cheese factory
drive up Morrison Point Road with its lovely old stone fences and view of South Bay
wine tasting at Waupoos Estate Winery
sip some local apple cider on the patio overlooking Waupoos Island
marvel at Lake on the Mountain and enjoy the breathtaking visa out over the cliffs, pointing out the Glenora ferry far below.
Of course each trip is a little different; the visitors change, new stories and fun experiences happen, but our tour was getting a bit stale. It was time to shake things up a bit. So… when it came time to take Marilyn on a “Scenic”, I decided to check out all of those little roads, the unknown beaches, and places I had never stopped at before. It was a day of taking the road less travelled.
Packed with two folding chairs, our bathing suits and a picnic lunch we headed out. Instead of going to the Sandbanks beach we explore Point Petre. This is where the locals go to party. It is free and not under the diligent stewardship of Ontario Provincial Parks. You can drive right up to the water. It is wild, empty and beautiful. No one was around, just us and the waves, sparkling water and lots of sun shine. I will definitely be going back there.
Point Petre shore line
On we continued with our day of new adventures. This time, I frequently backed the car up and took secondary roads. For example, I learned that Storms Road is far better than County Road 16, if you want to experience a twisty steep lovely short cut. Instead of whizzing past, this time we stopped at the Duke of Marysburgh restaurant. I had been curious about this road side pub for some time. Great food! We enjoyed a very delicious lunch.
Again, instead of sitting in the car and just looking around, we actually got out and walked through the Waupoos marina. It was well worth leaving the comfort of our air conditioned car. There was lots to see, such as a historic Cannery Row. Out on display were many museum pieces – artifacts from the days when the canning factories thrived on the island.
At the Waupoos Marina is another restaurant called The Blue Moose Cafe. It has got to be the most beautiful settling in the entire world for breakfast or lunch. Tables are set up outside under the trees, right at the waters edge. Your view is of the sail boats docked at the marina, the blue waters of Smith’s Bay and the green hills of Waupoos Island in the distance. Fabulous! We weren’t hungry at that time but we returned the next morning for breakfast. Birds were chirping, the water sparkled and it was heavenly. Let me tell you, this place is unbelievable. Please try it.
At the Waupoos Estate Winery we walked behind the tasting room, down a long drive way to the waters edge. The winery has its own docks for visiting boaters. We watched a small group board their dingy and motor out to their waiting sail boat. Waupoos Winery also has a lovely dining room and banquet facilities located by the water. What an amazing place to hold a wedding.
Waupoos Estate Winery’s dock
Last, on our day of taking the road less traveled was our ride on the Glenora ferry across Picton Bay into Adolphustown. What fun and it is free.
Mare (Marilyn) and I had a wonderful day. It is always special for me to be with my dear old friend but being together and trying new things added to our adventure.
About westlakemusings
In 2013 my husband and I retired. We bought an old pre-confederation house out in the country. This blog is about our new world in the country as we explore all of life's possibilities.
I always thought that the person in the poem was saying that he didnt actually see any difference in the path and that he admitted that he would later pretend it was different to make it seem more special. People adding meaning to their past when it suits their own narrative.
Watch full the roads not taken youtube.
This is my favorite poem.
Bên nhau trọn đời đã đưa tuuj đến đây
Outstanding and so genuine! Continue with what you were doing it is awesome,i love it.
Thank you for this video and the explanation on eahcstanza! you really saved me.
0:07 Anyone notice score resemblance to Led Zeppelin's Kashmir 🤔.
Watch full the roads not taken season.
Is this poem recording under copyright? Would it be allowed for me to use a small part of it in my new composition.
Bullshit absolute bullshit.
Please post the rest of this CD.
Love this poem and your explanations. For me its the positive road. I get what the negative means, just don't agree. Thank you for sharing.
Watch full the roads not taken lyrics.
This is a great song and what memories it brings back, but if I am to use a song to label myself it would be their song Lost Soul.
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Johnny Hates Jazz
The Road Not Taken
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https://cleanuri.com/6ybA78 https://cleanuri.com/6ybA78
I died at “white spouse down” 😂.
Bản dịch này hay quá.
Oh no, what if people realize that they live in a- society.
Watch full the roads not taken online.
Watch full the roads not taken back
That was incredibly enjoyable. Backstories to great poems or literature - can you do more of these please.
Everyone else's description/analysis of this poem is so complicated and hard to understand. I LOVED this video. It broke it down and it really helped me understand the poem more. Thanks.
Watch full the roads not taken away.
Once Daniel Craig retires they should just start all over with another younger 007. I'd choose the guy who plays superman as the new 007.
I see a saw this for some test they have... i read this around 10 years back in my now after so many i can understand why its such a gem...
This poem is in our book.
Please say Jessica. Only child. Chicago. Illinois.
What i get from this poem is the decisions that we sometimes make and as for Frost it was equally that difficult.