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Resume: Beneath Us is a movie starring Lynn Collins, Rigo Sanchez, and Josue Aguirre. The American Dream becomes a nightmare for a group of undocumented day laborers hired by a wealthy couple. What they expect to be their biggest payday
scores: 707 votes
Rating: 5,9 of 10 Stars
Max Pachman
Genre: Horror, Thriller
Deadass watch she becomes infected and tries to kill him when he finally meets her lmao.
Sous nos pieds movie review.
Amazing upload, as always! D.
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Beneath Us (2019)
Everyday, thousands of immigrants line the parking lots of hardware stores and climb into cars with strangers they’ve never met, all for the promise of paid work. In Beneath Us, a group of undocumented workers are lured into the home of Liz Rhodes with the promise of their biggest payday, only to discover the terrifying fate she has in store for them.
Views: 18 Genre: Horror, Thriller
Country: USA
Duration: 90 min
Quality: HD Release: 2019
IMDb: 5. 1.
Sous nos pieds movie en.
Hes gone insane, but sees a girl next door but shes just a zombie that got trapped in that apartment and hes hallucinating shes normal. Donald Sutherland is imaginary.
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Love it.
Oh the white people are gonna be upset with this one.
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Sous nos pieds.
5 /10
Disturbed reality.
This films takes a real life scenario, undocumented immigrants working for below minimum wage to scrape a living, and turns it into a disturbed thriller. I won't go into details about the content, but I will say that the female lead is a total nut job!
The scary thing about this film is the fact that it could happen, maybe even has to some degree.
Reason for the 5 stars? Slow start, lack of depth in the "immigrant" characters and a poor finale. The film deserved more... a good story, but needed more.
28 out of 46 found this helpful.
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7 /10
Hey, not bad!
Leave aside the overuse of "Thrilling Sound effects" it's a good Indie movie. The cinematography is great, the tension is present all over the movie - you really wanna kill that woman- and the message is good. It's good to see something new is the thriller scene, which became sadly empty the last couple of years in my opinion. It won't mark me, but it's just a bit of fresh air.
6 out of 9 found this helpful.
6 /10
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know, the acting was good, the cinematography was good, but the story lacked any real depth, and unfortunately the characters were also severely under developed. I actually didnt care for the whole premise of this film, because it was about a well off narcissistic white couple, who flips properties using undocumented Latino men to do the work. But instead of paying their hires, they imprisoned them, they terrorized and tortured them, and when the work was finished, they killed them and left their corpses to rot under the houses. One can see here why racial hatred is such a cancer on society, because it's things like this movie that help to desensitize people and perpetuate pigeonholing a group of people based solely on their race. Prejudice is a sickness of fearful, narcissistic, self entitled, elitists; it's weak minded people who take all they can when it serves them, no matter who's left drowning and destroyed in their wake.
2 out of 2 found this helpful.
Aside from the political stance some people are taking about this film ("they took ourrr joooobbbssss"; South Park) it's actually a film you think you'd just watch but not be too bothered about it's got this strange pull which keeps you increasingly intrigued with what happens next. Very dark, very tongue in cheek at times but all the same worth a watch. Happy watching.
13 out of 25 found this helpful.
8 /10
Completely different than every average "horror movie" you've seen before
I wouldn't describe this movie as a horror film though, it's a well directed thriller with interesting choice of music and some scenes turned out to be really mesmerizing as well as spooky. Sure it's political but it's done in a good way, the actors play their role pretty well and the story is intriguing, not boring even for a second. The storyline evolves in a quite realistic way, you don't notice at fist glance that the characters are being trapped in this house. Oh and of course I have to say that it's worth watching for the two main actors who are quite handsome (Alejandro and Memo).
6 out of 10 found this helpful.
Great film. the opening; immediately grabbed my interest.
The cast did a great job. I was on the edge of my seat the whole time. The film was frightening, relevant, and, unfortunately, quite current due to the ongoing undocumented immigrant issue. Sadly, the storyline doesn't seem too far fetched to me. It provides a good example of the danger of breeding hatred towards others who are different from us. Great directing and sound. Kudos to the producers and all involved.
21 out of 63 found this helpful.
Low scores are from the Fox "News" crowd...
Yes, there is social commentary in the film. Because of this, the close-minded hate it. Too bad, because, without the racism depicted in the film, you still have a riveting and intense psychological horror/thriller to watch. There's a significant amount of Spanish spoken in the film; the version I saw had no subtitles and I don't speak Spanish, but still I couldn't peel my eyes away from the screen 'til well after the credits rolled. The fact that the film's horror IS based in racism makes it all the more abominably sickening and, unfortunately, that much closer to the reality in which we in the Americas presently live. It also makes the title of the film work on multiple levels. Bravo and brava to all who worked on this, and I hope that Ms. Collins and Mr. Tupper aren't too plagued by nightmares to find the occasional good night's rest!
12 out of 32 found this helpful.
1 /10
So political 😒
Just when you finally think you can watch a movie that isn't political, you're watching a movie that political. I'm not saying this doesn't happen, might be very rare at best, but even with the suggested possibility, way too political. The title should read "white privilege vs illegal immigrants"... Would be more fitting. I wouldn't be surprised if this was produced by CNN or MSNBC...
ALL THAT ASIDE, the actual movie, acting and story/plot was mediocre.
The " White supremacist" podcast at the end was a nice touch *insert sarcasm here*.
11 out of 37 found this helpful.
Awful movie. Lacks everything, from talent to originality
The movie is dull... Another torture porn movie, where the victims are illegal immigrants, and the torturers are a couple of american sellers...
The main actress sucks, is dumb, no real talent there... The same to the actor portraiting the husband...
Stupid script, bad acting...
3 out of 7 found this helpful.
Not bad
Not a bad film, acting very good plot line good, main actress a bit of a dominatrix type and quite scary. Lots of better horror films out there but give it a go.........
2 /10
Propaganda BS
What a load of propaganda. Gimmie a break, so the story goes that somehow hiring day job Illegal Aliens is equivalent to slavery, or are they saying I don't even know what they are saying. But what a crazy idea, hire the illegals then murder them and get free work. It was not a bad watch, I wasn't bored. I think it's ridiculous that the lead woman would bother to call them undocumented, instead of illegal alien, I mean she hates them and is going to murder them. It doesn't make then again, nothing do makes any sense. I can tell you, I am sick of my movies being a bunch of propaganda, I think I'd rather watch bit chute.
7 out of 23 found this helpful.
Entertaining film
This was an entertaining film. It wasn't deep or too difficult to understand. It shed light on the evils of human beings. It showed how all things that glitter ain't gold. It's worth a watch.
2 out of 4 found this helpful.
Dont watch, it's all political rubbish.
Political garbage about abuse of immigrant workers.
Bad filming, bad acting, Spanish language without subtitles, do I need to go on?
Watching paint dry is quicker & more interesting.
High score rating is obviously from friends of the cast and crew.
3 out of 9 found this helpful.
10 /10
Great film.
This should happen to all "undocumented" workers (illegals).
6 out of 29 found this helpful.
4 /10
Sounds like slavery
Four undocumented day workers are hired to build a home. They get treated worse than a four year old in a Trump concentration camp for asylum seekers. Seems the second amendment couple takes delight in abusing the help and then they get buried under the house they complete because undocumented immigrants only smell when alive and not when they are dead and rotting. The film just didn't work for me. I didn't care for any of the characters. The buried scene should have been intense, but wasn't. Why was there no smell? If you ever had a dead rat under the floorboards, you tear the house apart to get at it, but a dozen dead humans? Guide: F-word. Male butt nudity.
2 out of 8 found this helpful.
Realistic and Disturbing.
The only thing I can say without giving away the spoilers, is that I have no doubt that something similar like this happened to people unfortunately.
And the fact that we know how many folks think and feel in modern america, it makes this film all the more disturbing.
To put it into perspective as best I can:
I saw Get Out, and that movie was dumb, predictable and unoriginal.
I saw Beneath Us, and this film was almost like a documentary or recreation of some likely, highly probable scenarios. It was not low budget, but the majority of the money was for the look of the film, lighting, and few makeup effects. Yet still it was good. 6/10 for this underrated thriller.
1 out of 4 found this helpful.
9 /10
Considern it the movie of the century.........
0 out of 1 found this helpful.
Simplistic, but grounded in reality
This 'America' horror has been done before and arguably better in the likes of Get Out. It's also not a very original kidnap movie -the plot is straightforward and the 'cat and mouse' plot is very predictable. It's saving grace is that Beneath Us strikes a realistic chord, making it a worthwhile watch. Lynn Coles' dramatics aside, this could genuinely happen. Even some of the reviews on IMDB indicate some of the issues in society (how can human slavery ever be branded 'too political' and 'boring'?! ) All of above aside the film has passable direction, shocks and acting. It's not worth owning the DVD but you should watch it if it's on the TV.
Very original and believable
Brilliant movie all the way through. Hope it doesn't give ideas to crazy people. I bet this is happening in many countries where people are undocumented and forced into slavery, and killed when no longer required, as too risky to keep alive and feed etc.
0 out of 4 found this helpful.
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The American Dream becomes a nightmare for a group of undocumented day laborers hired by a wealthy couple. What they expect to be their biggest payday turns into a terrifying fight for survival.
Featured Crew
Max Pachman
Director, Writer
Mark Mavrothalasitis
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Ehehe, I feel so happy just by listen to this song :vvv
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Release date: Mar 6, 2020
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Beneath Us Ratings & Reviews Explanation
Beneath Us
Movie Info
The American Dream becomes a nightmare for a group of undocumented day laborers hired by a wealthy couple (played by Lynn Collins and James Tupper). What they hope to be their biggest payday turns into a terrifying fight for survival at the couple's secluded mansion, and those thought to be helpless must prove they can't be discarded so easily.
R (for violence, language and some nudity)
Directed By:
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In Theaters:
Mar 6, 2020
90 minutes
Vital Pictures
Critic Reviews for Beneath Us
There are no critic reviews yet for Beneath Us. Keep checking Rotten Tomatoes for updates!
Audience Reviews for Beneath Us
There are no featured reviews for Beneath Us because the movie has not released yet (Mar 6, 2020).
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Finally! His own film.
Chiks wear small bikinies, he do it with glases, what a problem.
Is it worth watchinh.
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One of Jim Jeffries really good bits is a true story like this. Should be entertaining.
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That tatoo overlap reminds me of The symbol of Slaanesh.
It's look like this is the worst trailer ever and a special when he's about zombies! I'm completely disappointed.
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Not Perfect but Enjoy it. Rate jika suka. Dilarang menghapus Credit. Thanks
diterjemahkan dari bhs. Prancis by Chicoutimi dengan Google Translator Toolkit, no improve alias langsung copas, sekedar share drpd gw cengok nonton tanpa subtitle lakan yg mau benerin.
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Looks good.
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This movie buns, dont watch.
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Han s resurection on Fast and Furios 9 steals the whole movie.
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