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Press alt + / to open this menu. In Theaters Jan 23 The Truth About Sex Trafficking in America Blind Eyes Opened is a first-of-a-kind Christian documentary that dives deep into the sex trafficking industry in the U. S. The film exposes the darkness that fuels demand, highlights survivors' transformations through Christ, engages lawmakers, law enforcement, organizations, ministries and experts across the country committed to ending the atrocities, all while showing Christ as the hope for all involved. Exclusive Content related events. Blind eyes opened movie watch 2018. Im a simple girl, I see seb in the title- I click. Blind Eyes Opened (2020) Vous regardez le film Blind Eyes Opened (2020) Des vues: 2 Genre: Drame Réalisateur: Geoffrey Rogers, Acteurs: Cherie Hollis, Natalie Kehn, Durée: 0 Qualité: HD Libération: 2020 IMDb: N/A Autres Films a Regarder HD After (2019) After (2019) HD L’histoire de Tessa, une jeune fille ambitieuse, volontaire, réservée. Elle contrôle sa vie. 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THE BLIND EYES SEASON 1 THE BLIND EYES SEASON 2 African Movie, Nigerian Movie, Nollywood Epic Movie SUBSCRIBE TO OUR CHANNEL AT LIKE US ON FOLLOW US ON Subscribe to the nollywoodbest NWB Channel for the best of Nollywood Movies. Like us or make your comments below. Problems??? Get In Touch via: reporter[at]naijapals[dot]com Drop your comment Sorry, guests can not post comments | Register Title: Body Comments on this video Share URL:. Blind Eyes Opened Movie watch tv. Blind eyes opened movie watch online free. I can't help but wonder how many people sing this song parrot fashion without any understanding of what the word heart actually means symbolically. I can assure you that is isn't signifying the blood pump. Blind Eyes Opened movie watch. Blind eyes opened movie watch today. Blind eyes opened movie watch free. I felt so happy when she made it to the school and met up with the doctor, you had no clue how mad i was when that police officer and that one dude ditched off and stole there car. Blind eyes opened movie watch full Blind Eyes Opened Movie watchcartoononline. Blind Eyes Opened Movie watch the trailer. Blind eyes opened movie watch live This is such a fantastic trailer. Just seen this now. The best war movie I've ever seen and probably one of the best in general. I was on edge the whole time. I can see why it won so many awards. I would pay to watch it in the cinema again. Incredible. Moving Documentary, 'BLIND EYES OPENED' Comes to Movie Theaters for One-Night Only Event on January 23, 2020 First-of-a-Kind Documentary Exposes Sex Trafficking Industry in America; Highlights Power of Gospel to Help End Modern Day Slavery NEWS PROVIDED BY Icon Media Group Oct. 16, 2019 TAMPA, Fla., Oct. 16, 2019 / Christian Newswire / -- There are more than 4. 8 million people being sexually exploited worldwide, and more than one million of these are children ( International Labour Organization). According to a recent report by the US State Department, the United States is one of the leading consumers of sex trafficking, as well as leading country of origin for victims. On January 23, 2020, Ships of Tarshish will present BLIND EYES OPENED: The Truth About Sex Trafficking in America, a first-of-its-kind look at the dark roots of sex trafficking, in a one-night-only cinema event. "Once you've learned how to recognize human trafficking, you begin to see it everywhere – it's in every single community, " said Executive Producer of BLIND EYES OPENED and CEO US Institute Against Human Trafficking, Geoffrey Rogers. Six years in the making, BLIND EYES OPENED is a feature-length documentary exploring the growing epidemic of modern-day slavery, the industries feeding as well as fighting it, and the shocking scope of its infiltration into every segment of the U. S. population. Contrasting the darkness, however, the film reveals the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to bring healing for victims and freedom to the captives. BLIND EYES OPENED will release in nearly 800 movie theaters nationwide on January 23 at 7:00 p. m. local time. For tickets and a complete list of theater locations, visit. BLIND EYES OPENED features multiple stories of survivors whose journeys with trafficking began when they were small children, many whose parents served as pimps. From runaways and children in the foster care system, to average middle-school girls being recruited under the noses of adults, trafficking of children in the United States has reached epic proportions and concerned parents cannot afford to turn a blind eye. "They stole my purity, my childhood; the joy you're supposed to have as a child, " one victim, Edie, remembers. "There were lots of opportunities for people to see, but they looked the other way. "   BLIND EYES OPENED also makes the direct connection between trafficking and the commercial sex industry (strip clubs, escort services, pornography) which fuels demand, as well as the abortion industry where frequent abortions enable girls to be used frequently, covering evidence of abuse. Additional Child Trafficking Statistics: The average age a child first becomes a victim of sex trafficking is between 12-14 (U. Department of Justice) 84% of those in sex slavery were sexually abused as children (World Without Exploitation) The only hope for ending this crisis, says dozens of experts, survivors, government leaders and non-profit ministries featured in BLIND EYES OPENED, is a commitment from the church to intercede and intervene in the world of trafficking. This happens when efforts are made to end the "demand" by tackling the issue of pornography; reducing the "supply" by strengthening families, engaging in the foster care system, and ministering to sex trade workers; and aiding in restoration of victims by supporting recovery efforts and ministries. "We absolutely need the church to engage in this crucial battle; but first, followers of Christ have to allow themselves to see the problem, and that's what this movie aims to do, " said Executive Producer and Writer of BLIND EYES OPENED, Kerri Rogers. "If we're going to truly overcome the evil of sex trafficking, hearts have to change; and this only happens through the love of Christ. " About Ships of Tarshish Ships of Tarshish, Inc. is a 501(c)3 organization established in 2011, and aims to produce high-quality Christian programming that is relevant, exciting and entertaining to watch, showing everyday Christians releasing the Power of God by fulfilling the Great Commission. For more information visit. SOURCE Icon Media Group CONTACT: Paige Collins, 615-934-4162, Related Links. When he opened his eyes I got the chills. Idk why. Blind Eyes Opened Movie watching. Blind eyes opened movie watch online. Cant wait for this I saw I can only imagine and I cried. Blind Eyes Opened Movie watch. Blind Eyes Opened Movie watch video. Blind Eyes Opened Movie watch now. Next 007 title: People Die When Theyre Killed. Blind eyes opened movie watch without. Blind eyes opened movie watch english. Ok but like am I the only one who remembers the moments of maya and josh (from girl meets world)¿. Blind eyes opened movie watching. Glory Honor and Praise to our Master Jesus! I am in awe of You! This village with never be the same. This man entered ministry today♡♡♡. “Do you ever get annoyed when people try to help?” Legit everyone: grab me. Medusa : hold my beer. Fiction vs Reality 2016: Train to Busan 2020: Plane from Wuhan. Aw the one guy in the light green is adorable Carrot on a stick. Blind eyes opened movie watch series A Quiet Place: Can't speak Bird Box: Can't see Combination of these two: You're dead. Good guys win: Pass Bad guys win: Fail. It's a butterfly effect on my heart. Blind eyes opened movie watch movie Blind eyes opened movie watch 2016. Agent: “Sam, I got a a movie you might be interested in.” Samuel L. Jackson: “ Ill do it”. Blind eyes opened movie watch video. When you watch it, at 01:20 in the Pentagons security checkpoint scene, you will notice a tall Airman in his Class Bs with Senior Airman stripes on his shirt sleeves, and perhaps Master Sergeant stripes on his shirt epaulets. He looked old enough to be a Senior NCO too. Costume Department done did a Stargate SG-1 Season One goof (i.e. a Major had Staff Sergeant stripes on his Service Jacket sleeves. And here we have the focus of the story, an Airman First Class wearing modern Senior Airman, then-Sergeant, stripes in his fatigues. Vintage A1C stripes, with two chevrons and a blue star center, can be had in eBay for cheap. The production crew didnt even bother to check. Blind Eyes Opened Movie watches. Why is it that when I saw him go up on stage I said Oh God no... Such a good video. I love the look on the guy in the glasses sitting next to him lmao. 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