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User Rating 8 of 10 stars
country USA
Gene Kelly
story Jerry Mulligan is an ex-serviceman who stayed on in Paris after the war. He's now a struggling artist trying to sell his paintings on the sidewalk. He's had little luck until the rich Milo Roberts sees him. She offers to help him with his career but is clearly more interested in Jerry than his work. She rents a studio for him and plans his first exhibition. For his part, Jerry falls for a lovely young French woman he sees in a nightclub, Lise Bouvier. She however is being pursued by Jerry's friend, entertainer Henri Baurel. When Baurel gets the opportunity to tour in the US, he wants Lise to marry him so they can go together. She is in love with Jerry but feels she can't abandon Henri who saved her during the war. She has only a short time to decide
writers Alan Jay Lerner.
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Lovely song! Gene looks so cute.
An American in Paris - A New Musical HD - video dailymotion.
Pure magic, pure joy, gorgeously & wonderfully orchestrated sequence w/ the absolute brilliance of Gene Kelly. Charlot.
Oh Dear God is he gorgeous. Rob Fairchild.
Watching the conductor slowly get more and more drenched in sweat just makes this so much better to watch. Props to him.
Beginning: a nice walk though a garden. Ending: THE WORLD IS BLOWING UP.
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Sinfonía de parís free full episode.
Qué hermoso esto, Perez Prado vive! Mis respetos al director, la orquesta y al público. Bellísimo el mambo.
Tchaikovsky: I'm going to really blow their minds with this one The cannons: ͡ ͜ʖ ͡.
When the audience at a classical concert is chanting MORE MORE MORE at the top of their lungs, you know you've done something right.
Excelente interpretação do Zarathustra pelo grande regente venezuelano Dudamel.
Gracias por tanta belleza. Latinoamérica Maravillosa. 1, 2, 3, 4... 8. MAAAAAAMBOOO.
When I first heard this 'way back in the early '70's, it was said Ravel wrote this to make love to.
I first heard this on a 13 hour flight and it kept me sane.
I am currently studying the conductor's score in depth. My first conclusion is that this work is a masterpiece. The structure and form is excellent. The main thing I took away from studying this legendary work is that the composer was able to make so many interesting variations of one melody. I am striving to write such an intense and emotional work like this one day.
Great performance! But the timpani make me sad about life. Such a dead sound.
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This is beautiful, it gives a soothing and relaxing atmosphere to appreciate what is music.
Who could ask for anything more? <3.
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Close your eyes and let this beautiful fantasy take you out on a night to remember. Bursting with genius musicality all the way, from the liveliest American composer of America's greatest era. Live every note and you won't regret it.
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Wonderful, marvellous, who should care for more.
This is the kind of music that brings tears to my eyes for its sheer beauty and majesty.
I have a lot of patience for this type of film. Yes, it may have been a little over-ambitious and there are questions of competence for the supporting cast and crew, but for me, it satisfies. The film's intent is rather clear: to create a layered and self-referential parallel between two different artforms, painting and the musical. It dabbles with ideas of abstraction which were really beyond both Kelly and Minnelli's capabilities (resorting to mere fancy colours and extravagant sets) but there is much to be admired in their attempts. It's no "Red Shoes. Meet Me in St. Louis, and certainly no "Singin' in the Rain, but as an experiment and as sheer enjoyment, it pulls it off.
3 out of 5 - Some strong elements.
10:20 Mambo :D.
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Guys we found them. The only peaceful and non-ear-invasive trumpets on Earth.
Now at 82, this is still the most elegant rendition of Scherezade that I have ever heard.
Loved this piece still do.
Jazz and swing combined with classic music. Fantastic and wonderful.
Took years to find this masterpiece (because I don't know the title) and now my lifetime wish has been achieved.
Whoa im used to sublimes version but this is very pleasant.
This Beethoven dude is fire, when is his next album gonna drop.
Love from Libya to all jazz fans around our misfortunate planet.
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Soy fan de los Beatles, Pink Floyd, Stwart, Toto, Queen, quien me digan de Inglaterra y algunos de USA, pero nada me pone con tan BUEN HUMOR como la música LATINA. La mejor música del mundo, señores.
Now you know how to play Artificer, you're welcome.
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Once again the inestimable jewish contributions to the benefit of all.
I remember not being able to sleep on a family holiday so I tuned on to a classical music radio station I liked on my phone and what came up was this.
Author Susanna Salmi https://twitter.com/susannassofia
Bio: 21yo from 🇫🇮 🎭🐎📚📷❄ Teatteribloggaaja, heppatyttö, kotimaisen kirjallisuuden opiskelija