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- Creator: The First Lady https://twitter.com/SharzzySean - Biography: That gorgeous girl with dimples 😉. And not on her face 😜 Release Date 2020
director Nina May
Actor Stacey Dash, Benjamin Dane
Love our first lady, so classy. Last first lady was not, she was racist and hate white people, coming from a minority. Trump 2020.
This isn’t limited or exclusive to the west. I got a little carried away, but Queen Rania of Jordan is one of the best dressed royals. Followed by Letizia of Spain So who are the best dressed First Lady’s and royal women? Past or current EDIT: Chantal Biya, First Lady of Cameroon -ignoring her makeup. I love how vibrant and colorful her outfits are. Sheika Mozah of Qatar. Her turban game is strong. She’s very glamorous and her outfits complement her curves. She’s also stunning. I was getting carried away with her photos so sorry if there’s too many. I could’ve spent all day looking at her clothes Juliana Awada, First Lady of Argentina.
First lady.
Level 2 Hoover had rocky relationships with both the Roosevelts and might not have wanted to take away from the ceremony. He had also had a major surgery earlier this year and might not have been very fit for travel. level 2 Not pictured but still alive level 2 I thought he died during his term or am I thinking of Harding? level 1 JFK and Truman look heartbroken, LBJ and Eisenhower look bored McNamara looks like he's expecting a gun to go off level 2 I think LBJ just looks solemn here. I know that he had a high opinion of the Roosevelts. Can't imagine he wasn't willing to pay his respects. level 2 McNamara’s not in this photo. level 2 Thank you for providing a roundabout way to identify Truman, Johnson, and McNamara level 2 McNamara The guy in the glasses isn't McNamara. level 2 Eisenhower was clearly a man who could deal with grief. level 2 Jackie looks hot as always. level 2 Eisenhower looks inconvenienced. level 1 Wow, Bess Truman (I'm guessing) looks like every Lutheran grandma that went to my church as a kid! level 2 She was a piece of work. Of course being married to Harry probably didn't help. Where's Mamie? level 1 Who the fuck is that sinister looking guy next to LBJ? level 2 Is it Slugworth from Willy Wonka?
First lady of the united states.
First lady of india.
Level 1 This is a little too woke for me level 1 he wouldn't be wearing that style suit to any divorce proceeding. That is a "im going out to dinner or a show" suit. level 1 I'm sure I'm not the only one, but I'm kind of over the whole divorce/split stuff. Dave has seemingly moved on to "dating" a non crazy girl and both he and Renee appear to be happy. And as far as the Nantucket house goes, he'd barely have the time to be up there this summer anyway. He can't take 2 months off consecutively like he used to. level 1 So Dave is just 24. 5% now level 1 Pres is at a gala with Nardni level 1 Also upfront week, maybe he had a meeting. I know KFC said barstool didn't have anything going on; but with everyone in town, im sure they had some meetings level 2 This is probably right, but as someone said above, I was feeling especially woke today. level 1 No chance. They are both Mass residents, proceedings would have to take place in home state. Also, maybe take Barstool a little less serious. level 1 Any chance he's on SVP tonight? level 1 Stay woke, I think they are on a break while Dave finishes up his contract with Chernin (probably 3-5 years) and will sell once its up and move out to Nantucket with our first lady and have a beautiful life. I hope this is the case at least. level 1 Thanks, now I don't have to check TMZ Sports level 1 might have been why Nate was coming at Pres about not having a house on Monday? level 1 when can I get my 10k from you with this dumbass post?
First lady movie.
First lady michelle obama.
Since the new POTUS would get to pick his own cabinet, she would be gone regardless. The First Lady holds no power over that. I did want Biden as President anyway.
First lady booed.
Natalie's Jackie: Now get out there and do what first ladies have always there and clap.😂.
First lady age.
This crazy even for Chicago.
First lady laura bush.
First lady day spa.
Level 1 Oh cool, it's that guy from Futurama! level 2 Futurama is better than family guy. level 1 "Christ Almighty, Spiro, I can't hear a goddamn word you're saying. Is it supposed to be this goddamn loud in here? It's like the howling of a fucking banshee, for Christ's sake. " level 2 It was fairly quiet and clean back then level 1 Fun BART facts: I rode that same car today, it hasn’t been cleaned since, and the guy sitting in that chair also said he was Richard Nixon. Edit: thanks for the gold! First reward I’ve ever received for riding BART, if you don’t count getting a staph infection. level 2 Stop! I cough when I laugh. level 2 lol this comment made my day level 1 I believe that was BART's opening day. level 2 Original Poster 81 points · 20 hours ago · edited 18 hours ago Might have been, all I know is he rode from San Leandro to lake Merritt, and then gave Bart a check for $28, 000, 000 ($171, 000, 000 when adjusted for inflation). level 1 I would really like BART to assemble a 2 car train and restore it to its original glory. I'd really like to see the carpet, and foam-rubber seats in person. level 2 Especially now that they’re getting retired level 2 From someone who rode on trains like that: no, you don’t. level 2 "Strange game, the only winning move is not to play. " level 2 My grandfather was the control room supervisor at the time:) level 1 Before the needles and psychos it was nice.
Loved the Pompeo speech.
First lady meaning.
First lady salary.
First lady 3.
First lady eric bellinger.
First lady fitness.
First lady fashion.
Everyone: Nay & Meech 😍❤️ Me * has no idea who they are * Me: here from some girls snapchat shoutout 😂.
First lady movie part 3.
First lady of the lake.
18 11 2019 ហើយមានអ្នកមើលទៀតអត់.
First lady of new york.
First lady songs.
First ladies.
1:21 Shiloh Dynasty Cover.
ខ្ញុំឆ្ងល់ណាស់ ហេតុអ្វីអ្នកនិពន្ធនឹកឃើញផ្ញាប់សាច់រឿងស្នេហាកំសត់មួយនេះទៅនឹងរឿងរៀមកេរ្ត៍ ? ឬ ការនិពន្ធបទនេះយកចេញពីសាច់រឿងរៀមកេរ្ត៍? ស្តាប់មិនចេះធុញ! ស្តាប់បទនេះដូចកំពុងមើលរឿងរឿងល្ខោមខោល.
Love this song so much ❤️😉🤗.
You are unique and lovely.
Lol... I never heard this song before but I know it. NMFAM ALL DA WAY TURNT. #Forthefans 🤘🏽😇😘 #ilynayandmeech.
How wonderful. I would love to have a photo with her. She's so elegant and gracious & GENEROUS.
First lady missing you.
First lady ❤.
First lady truman.
First lady of texas.
Stupid moms be like:STAY AWAY FROM MY BABY.
Photo op, nothing more.
First lady speaking english.
Ganz schön konservativ.
Keeps going guys, I am your fan💪🏻💪🏻 love your talent 👍🏻👍🏻.
First last.
Great Spech.
First lady of united states.
ใส่หูฟังแล้วเพราะมาก ดนตรีกรุ๋งกริ๋งๆ วิ่งไปมาซ้ายขวา เพลิน...
Level 1 Moderator of r/pics, speaking officially Score hidden · 26 days ago · Stickied comment It looks like this post is about Politics. Various methods of filtering out content relating to Politics can be found here. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. level 1 Why isn't Ghislaine Maxwell in prison? level 2 rumours fluctuate from shes dead, to in custody, to being protected by mossad in Isreal. level 2 I've never heard of her before, but wow, what a wild ride down the ol' internet rabbit hole that was. Association with the epsteins and the khashoggi's, no wonder she's keeping a low profile. level 2 (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ 💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰 level 2 Well, after he died in a Prison controlled by Trumps corrupt Department of Justice, which we know is involved in obstruction of justice, it was suggested she fled to close Trump ally Israel, that is also run by a corrupt scumbag. I think it was something to do with the Clintons. level 2 Everyone on that picture except Melania should be in prison level 1 Epstein has a sneaky pinky level 2 I think of the things he did that sneaky pinky is pretty low on the list. level 2 He also didnt kill himself level 2 Good eye. Trump's hands look freakishly small. level 2 TIHI even more than I thought I could level 2 What about the other one?
First m apartments.
First lady gaga.
First lady nails.
First lady bird.
Deus abençoe a América.
First lady of nyc.
First lady permanente.
Merry Christmass Mr President, God Bless You, Melania, your whole family and cabinet, and may God Bless America!🙏🇺🇸🙏🇺🇸🙏🇺🇸.
First lady di.
First lady nails west hills ca.
First lady abigail.
I learned how to spell Kissing on my tattoos from this song💀.
First lady church suits.
First lady inaugural gowns.
First last name.
First lady mckinley.
First lady governor of india.
First lady portraits.
First lady antebellum.
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