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Duration 178minutes
Rating 918548 votes
Mel Gibson
In 14th Century Scotland, William Wallace leads his people in a rebellion against the tyranny of the English King, who has given English nobility the 'Prima Nocta' - a right to take all new brides for the first night. The Scots are none too pleased with the brutal English invaders, but they lack leadership to fight back. Wallace creates a legend of himself, with his courageous defense of his people and attacks on the English.

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This movie has everything what should a movie has! It's plot, storyline, cinematography, and directing are really superb. Mel Gibson had give his whole life to make this movie. His performance as the character and the director should be rewarded. And this movie gave a deepest message to think about. 4 and a half out of 5.
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Freedom is priceless. In the democracy society, maybe you can't feel it. This movie further encouraged me to seek free land. "Give me liberty, Or, give me death" I think, no matter you are male or female, rich or poor, freedom is of everyone. It is easy to understand. But, why are there still many people have not have basic human right after thousands of years passed.

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Based on the Scottish independence movement Braveheart invokes passion and zeal- and not just from the Scots. Mel Gibson has crafted an incredible film full of moving images and fervor based on revenge. Of course, most of the film is very loosely based on actual events and some are downright made-up but that does not deter from the film at hand. The acting is top-notch and led from the front by Gibson himself. Cinematography is lush with the Irish and Scottish landscapes photographed in stunning glory and the battle scenes are raw and unflinching which add a certain realism to the proceedings. When the film was released it created a sensation in 1995, winning multiple academy awards and even being accused of Anglophobia by the media. Take all the opinions aside and this is filmmaking at its finest.

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Braveheart gambling is based on a same movie with Mel Gibson. It is a great movie about Scotland’s struggle for independence. This tape got an Oscar and became very popular. Developers of slot machines could not stay away from such an interesting topic and presented their version of those times. In this interesting slot you have to fight with England’s troops for of Scottish Independence. This is such a truly exciting action that will take you back to those distant times to and a desire to fight for your rights. Gameplay and Prizes If you choose William Wallace you will get five drums and 25 lines with 15 positions. Depending on combinations you receive bonuses and cash payments. The game has minimum and maximum rates up to 1 to 125 dollars. If you collect 3 or more images on 1 line you will receive a payment. An exception is made for combinations which consist of additional bonus lines. A symbol of double games unfortunately are not. This game is very exciting. It takes you to the time when it was necessary to make historical decisions on which the fate of the whole country is depended. The magnificent musical and graphic design will not leave you indifferent and will allow you to plunge into the very abyss of this action.

Julgus kartmatus.

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Creator Mark Chang https://twitter.com/Chang_Mark
Resume: Nice to meet you

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