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- Coauthor: Joel Turner https://twitter.com/jtindahouse - Resume: I'm not wearing hockey pads New Zealand, USA.
Brief=Black Christmas is a movie starring Imogen Poots, Aleyse Shannon, and Lily Donoghue. A group of female students are stalked by a stranger during their Christmas break. That is until the young sorority pledges discover that the.
92 M.
actors=Imogen Poots, Lily Donoghue.
Sophia Takal, April Wolfe.
SJWs think this is progressive.
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I was hoping for, and expecting a fairly campy slasher to have me jump at some scares and giggle at silly, overblown gore.
They want us to be equal, love everyone and to co-exist however they still only cast 1 token Melanin actor while the other cast members are Caucasian.

What I got was a movie which clumsily handles rape and abuse. The movie is clearly sending an anti-abuse message, but their inclusion of rape as a plotpoint was incredibly tasteless and seemingly only included to have a clear message. Sexual abuse and rape especially is extremely hard to write. This movie failed on a pretty huge level. Everyone knows that sexual abuse is horrible. Rape should be handled carefully in stories specifically focused on the suffering and healing process of victims, not as a tacky add-on to a slasher which uses it as shock factor to make the culty bad guys extra evil.
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This is what I say to my friends all the time when they dont know Im in their apartment.
51 million people clicked on this video because of the thumbnail Edit: This video has gone up 4 million views in 5 days.
I was extremely thrown off when they called one of the angels Sabina. No one is ever called sabina, and i was VERY surprised.
None of the nightmare on Elm Street movies were good. Not even scary. This is why I won't watch the new ones. These movies are not no Friday the 13, or Halloween. The Freddie VS Jason should of never took place. It should of been Michael Myers VS Jason. Freddie was nothing like Jason, or Michael Myers. Freddie sure was no Hellraiser. You would have to come awful far to compete with Jason, Michael, and Hellraiser.

This was bad all around. My favorite part was when it ended. 2 stars for Landon and 1 for the cat.
Other people's Christmas songs: Jingle bells Jingle bells My Christmas songs: A Black Santa Claus is coming to town tonight.
Still one of the scariest.
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I went to see this movie as a hopefully fun, mindless activity while waiting for my family to come home.
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“Its that stupid face you make... ”.
I just had to go back and watch the trailer of the original slasher classic, because i just seen the trailer for the second remake (yeah, another remake of this) that's coming out this year.

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I find it hilarious.
The original writers of the first Black Christmas were involved in the remake and wanted to give Billy a backstory. They weren't trying to Rob Zombie it. That was the annoying commercialization of horror movies in the 2000s. I still love both and watch both every December. I liked the ending of the first one much better.

Mustang journal news.

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