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Correspondent: Lisa Johnson https://twitter.com/LJ1303
Resume: Official @MiamiDolphins beat writer for *PFWA member.. Sports Director for Ourturf Media LLC. *AFC West contributor.
Anders Roslund, Matt Cook.
directors=Andrea Di Stefano.
7 / 10 star.
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I know this isnt comic accurate and doesnt feel like the clown prince joker we all know, but Im just looking at this being set in another universe of many 🤷‍♂️.

After The Corrupted, I can't take another disappointment
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Looks lame.
There's already a few animated Batman movies that are awesome. Check them out.
Can't believe I watched that I have my five minutes back... pleeesee.
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Great dialogue, great script great acting...

Good twists in the end... excellent trnse moments.
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Love. This. Movie. Samantha just loved 2.5 million while I typed that, lol...
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It's so damnnn goooooooooood haha i mean you can see it from the trailor.
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Surprised me by how good it was. They nailed the west coast millennial vernacular. This is one of a select few films where I despise every major character but am still fascinated by the concept. Some see this as a charming love story, I see it as a bittersweet take on the end of humanity. Some of the sets and the lines in the film lend credibility to this being an end of days tale.
This is far from cinema quality. It's a b rate Netflix type movie at best. Horrendous acting, poor story line and, a complete waste of a Friday night at Odean.
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This looks so good omg.
Josie And The Pussycats: The DC movie.
This is not normally my kind of movie but I quite enjoyed it. The characters all felt pretty realistic, the actors all did a decent job and the story was compelling.

It did feel a bit slow at points and I think maybe a little careful trimming could have done the film some good but even so it keeps you engaged and doesnt leave itself too open to easy prediction as you watch.

Worth a watch I would say.

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I will watch anything JK is in. This looks great.
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