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- Published by Barbara Allen https://twitter.com/SirFarolillo - Resume: Twas in the merry month of May. Genres: Mystery

Tomatometers: 3,7 / 10 stars


info: Black Christmas is a movie starring Imogen Poots, Aleyse Shannon, and Lily Donoghue. A group of female students are stalked by a stranger during their Christmas break. That is until the young sorority pledges discover that the

92 Minute

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Just watched this. scary scary scary. love it 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤.

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Did anyone see the way Joaquin talked when he got his drama award, it was almost like he never left the joker.
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強敵に膝をつけども 大事なものは守れ!(守れ!).
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Is this a second part i need a reply.
This remind me of totally spies.
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Me: so you made this to show youve run out of ideas? Hollywood: were making new movies, but.
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Given that the 1974 Bob Clark's "Black Christmas" is my favorite Christmas movie, I was hoping that this would live up to it. Watching the remake, I kept asking myself: is this even "Black Christmas?

After watching the previews, it's pretty obvious who dies, who lives, and whose the killer. The real killer for this film is Director/writer Sophia Takal. She brutally slashes this classic into something that's not "Black Christmas." She uses the #MeToo movement in a horror film, which clearly doesn't work, or needs a different writer. As for Blumhouse, this is by far their worst film they produced. How can you go from 2018's "Halloween" reboot to this? Shame on Blumhouse.

The story is simple. Sorority girls being killed off one by one by an unknown killer. If you've seen the original, along with first 2006 remake, then you know killer is the killer. Wrong! I'm not going to say who the killer is. Just watch the previews. As for fans hoping to see Billy in the film, guess again. There's no Billy. How can you make "Black Christmas" without Billy? That's like making "Halloween" without Michael Myers.

As mentioned, the script is brutal, the acting is so-so. The scares are YAWN. There's nothing scary about this film at all. If they wanted to make this movie scary, they should have given it an R rating. Instead they wanted to attract younger audiences to see it. But also because as I read online, the writers felt that the girls in the film couldn't handle the gorey violence, as was depicted in the first 2006 remake. You say this film is all about feminism when you're against women fighting back in an R rated movie. Look back at Laurie Strode in "Halloween." She's destructible like Myers was. For this film, you're hoping all the sisters die because there's no character development, and wanting the movie to finally be over.

I'm giving this film 1/10. The only thing done right about this movie is that it's only an hour and 32 minutes. Short enough for it to not waste too much of our time.

All in all, stick with the original 1974 classic. If you want something with more violence and gore, the 2006 remake is for you. As for this movie, let's leave in 2019 to be forgotten and not remembered.

Thanks Sophia Takal for ruining a classic. Word from advice, leave this film out of your resume if you ever want to direct a horror film again.

Saw it and loved it! I did miss Jack Black as Bethany though, gotta be honest.
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Magnifique horreur.
Just remember, children. Never take Rin's tea. Also, this good and all but DAMN THOSE LOWER TEETH BRUH.
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Why do women win all the time... Can't we have one movie where men win and aren't evil all the time.

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This joint look scary as hell, and it comes out on Friday the 13th, that makes it even better 😄😄💖.
00:52 when the sprite too strong.
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This was a good movie.
The only Christmas song I wanna play.
I feel like after this incredibly neccecary (I'm not being ironic) not all men are evil-speech, I should point out what not all feminists are evil unreasoning men-hating fanatics. but the greedy corporations are sure make things look that way. Divide and conquer and all that shit.
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Has she got cancer. Poly has got more beautiful with looks radiant and yes her daughter does look just like her.
I hadn't seen any trailers before going in. I was HOPING for a fun, dumb, Christmas-themed slasher flick. Instead I got cringy, poorly-made, tumblr-feminist, misandrist garbage.

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The second person to comment.
He's mentally insane in every phone call until barb replies to him and in a normal voice, I'm going to kill you! did that wake him up for a second out of his state it's creepy as hell.
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Angels had CLASS, these girls look like high school bratz playing dress up.

Who was the founder of this school? Evil Al Bundy.
He has a chonk behind him.

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