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Casts=Alice Braga, Anya Taylor-Joy
Josh Boone
The New Mutants Free stream of consciousness.
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Hell yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
The de-aging technology here is impressive, the entire cast looks a few years younger.
Shazam looks very cool and I'm waiting for Captain Marvel and Avengers Endgame.
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By the time the film is released, it'll be called The Old Mutants instead of the New ones smh.
Dude there's going to be an end twisted where moon star was creating the weird shit the whole time calling it right now.
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Filmhandlung Spin-off der „X-Men“-Filmreihe über eine neue Gruppe junger Mutanten, die in einem streng geheimen Forschungslabor ihre Kräfte kennenlernen. Doch „The New Mutants“ ist kein Superheldenfilm wie die bisherigen „X-Men“-Blockbuster. Unter der Regie von Josh Boone soll das Franchise einen ganz neuen Weg einschlagen und auf kompromisslosen Horror setzten.
„X-Men: New Mutants“ - Stream
Neues Team, neues Glück! Das Spin-off kommt nicht nur mit einem komplett neuem Ansatz daher. Darüber hinaus dürfen sich Fans auch auf neue Mutanten freuen. Mit dabei sind die Telepathin Magik ( Anya Taylor-Joy), die Formwandlerin Wolfsbane ( Maisie Williams), der explosive Cannonball ( Charlie Heato n) und die Illusionistin Mirage (Blu Hunt) sowie Sunspot (Henry Zaga) und Cecilia Reyey (Alice Braga). News und Stories „New Mutants“ soll der erste echte Horrorfilm unter den Superheldenstreifen werden. Und die Vorbilder sind schon mal echte Klassiker, wie Josh Boone verrät. Hy Quan Quach 06. 02. 2020 Das MCU hält dieses Jahr zwei neue Filme und zwei Serien bereit. Andreas Engelhardt 08. 01. 2020 Das chaotische Projekt nimmt wohl doch noch ein versöhnliches Ende. Andreas Engelhardt 06. 2020 Die X-Men gehören zu Marvels beliebtesten Superhelden. Hier findet ihr alle Filme des X-Men-Universums, Vorschläge zur Reihenfolge zum Anschauen & eine Timeline Daniel Johnson 21. 11. 2019.
Love me some magick! Shes such a dope character. I wanna see her interact with her bro in later movies.
There is a second one get the IMDb app and look for the sequel.
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2:23 OMFG this brings back childhood memories.
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The chubby kid running hardcore at the end with the rest of the kids was more entertaining than Usain Bolt win another Gold lol.
Trailer The New Mutants Director Josh Boone Cast Anya Taylor-Joy, Maisie Williams & Charlie Heaton Release Apr 3rd, 2020 Five young mutants, just discovering their abilities while held in a secret facility against their will, fight to escape their past sins and save themselves. The New Mutants is directed by Josh Boone and will premiere on Apr 3rd, 2020. All release dates Cinema Release Date Friday April 3, 2020 DVD Release date TBA Netflix DVD release date TBA Netflix streaming Not available Where can you stream The New Mutants: Not yet streaming online Check Netflix and Amazon Prime availability in your country: Amazon | Netflix Production details Director Josh Boone's Action & Science Fiction movie The New Mutants is produced by Marvel Entertainment & 20th Century Studios & was released 2020-04-01. Costs: $0 Box Office Results: $0 Length/Runtime: N/A The New Mutants Official page.
All in all you're just another brick in the wall.
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No One's Ever Really Gone indeed.
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One of the new mutants is named Freddy. No joke.
I reckon Kawhi Leonard would bode well in this universe
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Ugh, more of the same.
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Coming soon in 3000.
A marvel movie, but a horror movie IMPOSSIBLE.
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1:15 that looks like Daryl from TWD. I swear its a mini version of him.
Coauthor: Salão Principal https://twitter.com/PrincipalSalao
Bio: Perfil para opinar, noticiar e comentar tudo sobre a saga Harry Potter, a franquia Animais Fantásticos e o Wizarding World em geral. Gerido por @diogoquaresma