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Coauthor - ahang2000 Piano Music https://twitter.com/ahang20001
Resume: I arrange orchestral works on the piano I'm pianist on a cruise ship I used to Work as a Répétiteur "accompanist" in Opera #Piano Music
Three friends struggle to find work in Paris. Things become more complicated when two of them fall in love with the same woman
year: 1951
Alan Jay Lerner
country: USA
runtime: 114minutes.
I am a fan of musicals, and while I don't consider An American in Paris as a direct favourite of mine I still enjoyed it regardless. I agree it is overlong, and the story is very slight here and plays second-fiddle to the music, choreography and such, thankfully all of which make up for it. The cinematography is beautiful, as are the luscious costumes, while the Technicolour is simply marvellous. The choreography is very clever and well-staged, Gene Kelly dances with real athleticism and the 17 minute long ballet sequence while criticised for being overlong and dated is very balletic and I think interesting. And George Gershwin's(Porgy and Bess) score is superb, particularly the charming I Got Rhythm sequence and I'll Build a Staircase to Paradise. Gene Kelly is fine in his role, and Leslie Caron's debut actually is pretty good. Vincente Minelli does well directing. All in all, not a favourite but I still really liked it. 8/10 Bethany Cox.

An american in paris - the musical 2018.
Gershwin è semplicemente magnifico.
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I was born in wrong decade.
I saw this show in London two days ago and it breathtaking throughout,this is just one sequence.I would urge everyone to see this,the sets and the choreography are ard and Leanne brought the house music is good too of course. Lloyd Webber eat your heart out.

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Severus snape with his wand.

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You see Ivan Comrade Vlad said I could use any instrument So I chose cannon
I mean it in a good way when I say the trumpet soloist has a very unique sound.
An american in paris drury lane reviews.
Damn, when it starts at around 8:00 it's absolutely gorgeous.
An american in paris gershwin.
This reminds of the time (13-14 years ago) when i was studying sound engineering, and in class we had to listen the first 1 or 2 minutes of this at least 40 times in different formats, bitrate, compression... etc on many different types of speakers to point out the mian differences of file formats and how better quality speakers reveals the weaknesses and highlights losses of compressed audio formats compared to uncompressed format. At the end of the class I was fed up with this music but now it brings back the nice memories of those years.

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This is the perfect song for an epic intergalactic spaceship battle.
Arte bello en interpretación magistral de su Director y Orquesta. Brillo propio que inserta encanto y dadivosidad en todos los componentes, es Gustavo un innato Director que contagia alegría al público por la excelencia de su orques ta. Gracias por tu trascendencia. dra. bertha de peru.

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This Beethoven dude is fire, when is his next album gonna drop.
An American in paris.

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An american in paris 1951.
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An american in paris ballet.
An american in paris by george gershwin.
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An american in paris soundtrack.
An american in paris i got rhythm.
Great. I am playing this on Friday.
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A  real  delight.
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Dec 13 1928. An American in Paris is first performed.
I got chills. Stunning.
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1:23 is great.
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That grin at 8:08. love Dudamel.
My hand feels like you know, stiff after practicing a 4 min piece. I wonder what will my hands say after playing a 42 minute one.

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An american in paris london cast.
An American in Paris is a showcase of Gene Kelly. Watch as Gene sings, acts and dances his way through Paris in any number of situations. Some purely majestic, others pure corn. One can imagine just what Kelly was made of as he made this film only a year before "Singin' In The Rain. He is definately one of the all time greats. It is interesting to look at the parallels between the two films, especially in Kelly's characters, the only main difference being that one is based in Paris, the other in L.A.

Some have said that Leslie Caron's acting was less than pure. Perhaps Cyd Charisse, who was originally intended for the role could have done better, however Caron is quite believable in the role and has chemistry with Kelly. Oscar Levant's short role in this film gave it just what it needed, someone who doesn't look like Gene Kelly. Filling the role as the everyman isn't an easy task, yet Levant did it with as much class as any other lead.

The song and dance routines are all perfection. Even the overlong ballet at the end of the film makes it a better film with it than without. Seeing that there really wasn't much screen time to make such a loving relationship believable, Minnelli used this sequence to make it seem as if you'd spent four hours with them. Ingenious!

I would have to rate this film up with Singin' since it is very similar in story and song. Singin' would barely get the nod because of Debbie Reynolds uplifting performance.

Full recommendation.

8/10 stars.

An american in paris musical 1951 leslie caron.
An american in paris length.
An american in paris suite.
An american in paris apartment scene.
Everyone “canons cant be an instrument.” Tvhaikovsky “hold on for a loud and bumpy ride”.

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